Building EnvelopeFor the last many years, RLV Consulting Engineering has earned a name in the repair, rehabilitation, and design of building envelops for low-rise and high-rise buildings.


Roofs of high-rise structures get exposed every day to hazardous conditions and can get damaged and deteriorated over time. RLV Consulting Engineering designs specific roofing for your property, using most recent roofing materials and most advanced technology for installation, which will prolong the service life for your roofing system and will increase energy saving.


The envelope between the enclosed space and the exterior environment plays a critical role in maintaining the exterior building structure and providing the desired internal environment. Exterior walls and building facades face a huge amount of stressors and carry a big burden for all types of structures.

Major challenges witnessed with Exterior Wall Systems relate to moisture retention within the wall cavity, water ingress, air leakage, and insulation effectiveness which typically leads to damages and deterioration. Left unaddressed it will severely reduce the life span of the building envelope components and will conduct to costly repairs and replacements.


Windows are massively influencing the structure’s envelope design. The performance, design, repair, and replacement of windows must be determined based on the building’s geographical location, climate, building structure (low-rise, high-rise, commercial, etc.). Windows come in various styles, sizes, materials, and combinations thereof. RLV Consulting Engineering has the expertise to design, repair, and replace the window system to achieve the best natural light transmission, energy efficient, and thermal control.

Air leakage, both through the window and around the frame, is a commonly voiced complaint that occurs frequently when sub-standard windows are used, or as a result of shoddy installation practices. Drafts occurring around the window are almost always the result of inadequate detailing of installation procedures coupled with low quality control standards during the construction process. RLV Consulting Engineering has been involved in numerous, repair, replacement, redesign, of window system cooperating with the best window manufacturers and reputable contractors for over 40 years.

Call Us To Discuss Building Envelope Needs!

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